Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I am participating in the Writing Contest: You Are Enough, hosted by Positive Writer.

Here is my entry. Take a read. Does this make you want to write. Please comment. Be brutally honest.


You might be sitting and facing a blank screen on an expensive laptop or tablet. You might be on a park bench with a blank notebook staring back and being of no help whatsoever. Every published writer has at some time felt mocked by the white space they so desperately wanted to fill with ideas that burned with brilliance, until they tried to spin those ideas into sentences and paragraphs. That first leap across the abyss from the mind to a finished article, story, or book can seem daunting. Then your muse sidles into the room, and the words began to tumble out into a first draft. There's a feeling of euphoria that might lead to you buying drinks around the bar or at least dancing around the room.  
Then you go back and read what you've written, and OMG who wrote this tripe? You look  around for the next leap across Rewrite Canyon. That’s when you realize this won’t be a leap. You gear up and plunge down into the gorge, cross the rocks, and climb up the other side.
Sounds like work doesn’t it? It is work. Writing is hard, but if you want to take up the challenge, you have it in you. The very fact that you have the desire to get your words out there means you have it in your core self to go after your dream. You do not have to be that person who thinks someday you are going to write that book, or if your dreams are smaller, that pamphlet. Everything you’ve experienced, every drop of love, every shed tear, has been leading up to this moment when you’re ready to start.
Don’t be afraid of where to start. Beginnings can be tough. Write the middle or the end. Remember your muse may be stuck in traffic or extending her vacation in the Canary Islands. Don’t wait for her. Start typing, or using a fountain pen, or speaking into a recording device. She’ll show up. She has to. It’s her job description. She knows you are worth it.
Start writing. Keep writing. Don’t give up. You have something to share with the world. Don’t hold back. Here’s to you and what you’re about to accomplish!



  1. With absolutely no bias, I can honestly say that this piece encouraged me to get back to business. I can relate to the feelings and experiences you described. I know I have something to share with the world as you aptly stated. Thanks for the gentle prodding to write in season and out of season.

  2. I failed to mention that on this site, I call myself 'The Servant'. This is Delphine Reed

  3. I admire you and others who can write. My favorite class in College was a Literature class. We would read short soriea, then write about them.

    1. It shows me as unknown, but this is Beth Bowen.

    2. It shows me as unknown, but this is Beth Bowen.

  4. I admire you and others who can write. My favorite class in College was a Literature class. We would read short soriea, then write about them.

  5. I admire you and others who can write. My favorite class in College was a Literature class. We would read short soriea, then write about them.

  6. I admire you and others who can write. My favorite class in College was a Literature class. We would read short soriea, then write about them.

  7. I love this, and needed the reminder that my muse will return eventually. :)

  8. Very nice and inspiring. I need to get to work now.
